Many of our latest summer reading suggestions are available on OverDrive!
OverDrive provides a collection of popular fiction and nonfiction e-book and audiobook titles. It is compatible with Kindle, iPad, and a variety of mobile and non-mobile devices.
Libby, the popular OverDrive app used by public libraries across the country is now available for Gettysburg College users! This free app offers an intuitive interface for reading ebooks or listening to audiobooks checked out on OverDrive.
Now you're free to browse our collection in the app!
If you are unsure how to navigate the Libby app, try visiting the Libby Help site for basic instructions:
If you're still stuck, feel free to contact Klara Ramnath or Kerri Odess-Harnish for more guided support.
The following is a general description of the steps for downloading an OverDrive ebook.
1. Browse for a book.
2. Borrow the book
3. Download the book
4. Return a book