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Education: EDUC 115

Context Note

Please note that this guide was created in consultation with Professor Stebick for a specific class activity for EDUC 115 where we explore the use of AI tools in conjunction with library resources. 

Check with your individual professors before using AI tools for your coursework in different classes.

Finding Case Studies

Use the following tools and the advanced search strategies we discuss in class to find relevant case studies.


AI Tools:

Evaluating Sources

You should think critically about information sources that you use, particularly if they will be cited in course assignments. Here are a few things to consider when evaluating sources…

How does it support your research question?

  • What do you know now that you didn’t know before reading it?
  • What does the source argue or demonstrate that none of your other sources do?
  • What parts of your research question does it not help answer?

What makes it reliable?

  • What did you feel when reading it?
  • Have other people cited or referenced it?
  • How might someone dismiss it?

Who wrote it and why?

  • What qualifies the author(s) to write about the topic?
  • How can you find more information about the author(s)?
  • Who is the intended audience?

Where was it published?

  • Who had to approve or review it before it could be published?
  • Do you normally need a subscription to read it? If so, who is paying that subscription?
  • Who can’t afford to pay to read it?

Application: Selecting Case Studies

Activity: In groups, search the one of the library databases: Education Source or ERIC. Review 3-5 articles before selecting an article that you think is a good case study, and fill out this short Google form.

The attached document is the rubric that will be used to evaluate your case studies.