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Open Education: OER and Zero-cost Courses at Gettysburg College

A guide to open educational resources, open pedagogy, and the open ed movement at Gettysburg College

Open Courses Fall 2023

Courses Using Open Educational Resources, 2023-2024

What are open educational resources?

Open educational resources (OER) are course materials with an open license. Students can freely access the materials, and professors can revise them to meet their course requirements. An example of an OER is the textbook "Introductory Business Statistics" used in MGT 235. Some classes using OER may not be zero cost because they include OER and commercial resources. SPAN 201 uses both an open grammar manual and a commercial textbook.


  • BIO 101: Basic Biological Concepts with Betty Ferster and Michael Caldwell


  • CHEM 203: Organic Chemistry I with Julie Laudenschlager

Computer Science

  • CS 107: Introduction to Scientific Computation with Jonathan Hoffman
  • CS 201: The Mathematics of Computation with Nathan Shank
  • CS 216: Data Structures and Algorithms with Sunghee Kim

Data Science

  • DS 256: Data Science Programming with Eatai Roth


  • ECON 103: Principles of Microeconomics with Meg Blume-Kahout, James Puckett, and John Cadigan
  • ECON 104: Principles of Macroeconomics with Charles Weise


  • ENG 205: Introduction to Creative Writing with Rachele Salvini

Environmental Science

  • ES 211: Principles of Ecology with Andrew Wilson
  • ES 223: Earth System Science with Sarah Principato

Health Sciences

  • HS 209: Human Anatomy & Physiology I with Victoria Wolf and Josef Brandauer
  • HS 312: Cardiorespiratory Physiology with Josef Brandauer


  • MATH 103: Mathematical Ideas with Nathan Shank
  • MATH 107: Applied Statistics with Carol Kotzman
  • MATH 111: Calculus I with Ricardo Conceicao, Catherine Frost, Eugene Boman, and Jennifer Gomulka
  • MATH 112: Calculus II with Maksim Kosmakov
  • MATH 112H: Calculus II (Honors) with Bela Bajnok
  • MATH 211: Multivariable Calculus with Caitlin Hult
  • MATH 343: Geometry with Keir Lockridge
  • MATH 353: Probability and Statistics with Caitlin Hult


  • MGT 235: Statistical Methods with Marta Maras and Alice Brawley Newlin
  • MGT 361: Marketing Management with Duane Bernard
  • MGT 365: Topics in HR Management with Patturaja Selvaraj


  • PHY 103: Elementary Physics I with Mitchell Powers
  • PHY 109: Introductory Physics I with Sheakha Aldaihan
  • PHY 111: Physics for Physics Majors I with Kurt Andresen


  • PSYCH 101: Introduction to Psychology with Kathy Delaney


  • SOC 296: Intro to Sociological Theory with Alecea Standlee
  • SOC 400: Sociology Seminar with Cassie Hays


  • SPAN 101: Elementary Spanish with Barbara Sommers and Jennifer Dumont
  • SPAN 102: Elementary Spanish with Christopher Oechler and Barbara Sommers
  • SPAN 201: Intermediate Spanish with María Pérez, Gabriela Escobar Rodriguez, and Alicia Rolon
  • SPAN 202: Intermediate Spanish with Gabriela Escobar Rodriguez
  • SPAN 301: Spanish Composition, Conversation, and Culture with Aaron Lacayo

Theatre Arts

  • THA 120: Fundamentals of Acting with Chris Kauffman

Zero-Cost Courses Fall 2023

Zero-Cost Courses, 2023-2024

What is a zero-cost course?

A zero-cost course uses course materials that result in no cost for the students. However, they may not be open. This could mean they are not open to access. For example, ES 400 uses material accessed through the library, which the library had to purchase a license for. It could also mean they are open to access, but not openly licensed. Some CHEM 203 sections use a textbook that is free but not open.


  • ANTH/AS 229: Tourism and Culture in China with Jing Li

Asian Studies

  • ANTH/AS 229: Tourism and Culture in China with Jing Li

Art History

  • ARTH 125: Survey of Western Art with Nicholas Miller
  • ARTH 126: Modern and Contemporary Art with Nicholas Miller
  • ARTH 267: Topics in Visual Arts History with Nicholas Miller


  • BIO 101: Basic Biological Concepts with Betty Ferster and Michael Caldwell
  • BIO 250: Regenerative Biology with Ryan Kerney


  • CHEM 203: Organic Chemistry I with Julie Laudenschlager and Gregory Suryn
  • CHEM 356: Integrated Chemistry Lab with Katherine Buettner

Cinema and Media Studies

  • CIMS 101: Introduction to Cinema & Media Studies with James Udden
  • CIMS/IDS/PP 219: Global Media Industries with James Udden

Computer Science

  • CS 107: Introduction to Scientific Computation with Jonathan Hoffman
  • CS 201: The Mathematics of Computation with Nathan Shank
  • CS 216: Data Structures and Algorithms with Sunghee Kim
  • CS 221: Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming with Clif Presser

Data Science

  • DS 220: Cultural Analytics with Junjie Luo
  • DS 256: Data Science Programming with Eatai Roth


  • ECON 103: Principles of Microeconomics with Meg Blume-Kohout, James Puckett, and John Cadigan
  • ECON 104: Principles of Macroeconomics with Charles Weise
  • ECON 262/362: Monetary Policy with Charles Weise


  • ENG 203: Journalistic Writing with Thomas Barstow
  • ENG 205: Introduction to Creative Writing with Rachele Salvini

Environmental Science

  • ES 121: Environmental Issues with Irene Hawkins
  • ES 211: Principles of Ecology with Andrew Wilson
  • ES 223: Earth System Science with Sarah Principato
  • ES 319: Environmental Film with Salma Monani
  • ES 363: Remote Sensing with Rud Platt

First-Year Seminar

  • FYS 106-3: STEM From The Ground Up with Istvan Urcuyo
  • FYS 134-1: Puppies! Dogs in Lit & Film with Richard Lambert
  • FYS 138-4: Philosophy of Monsters with Mercedes Valmisa
  • FYS 144-3: Cultures of Possibility with James Day
  • FYS 151-1: The Lyric Voice with Christine Altieri
  • FYS 152-4: Journalists and Media: Heroes and Villains through the Cinema with Thomas Barstow
  • FYS 156-2: Green Eggs and Government Cheese with Irene Hawkins
  • FYS 158-4: Fail this Course: Creativity, Making, and Failure with Josh Wagner
  • FYS 190-3: Oh, the (Digital) Humanities with R.C. Miessler

German Studies

  • GER 329: German Television with Henning Wrage

Health Sciences

  • HS 209: Human Anatomy and Physiology I with Josef Brandauer and Victoria Wolf
  • HS 311: Neuromuscular Physiology with Daniel Drury
  • HS 312: Cardiorespiratory Physiology with Josef Brandauer
  • HS 488: Capstone Seminar Course with Daniel Drury

Interdisciplinary Studies

  • CIMS/IDS/PP 219: Global Media Industries with James Udden


  • MATH 103: Mathematical Ideas with Nathan Shank
  • MATH 107: Applied Statistics with Carol Kotzman
  • MATH 111: Calculus I with Ricardo Conceicao, Catherine Frost, Eugene Boman, and Jennifer Gomulka
  • MATH 112: Calculus II with Maksim Kosmokav
  • MATH 112H: Calculus II (Honors) with Beja Bajnok
  • MATH 211: Multivariable Calculus with Caitlin Hult
  • MATH 343: Geometry with Keir Lockridge
  • MATH 353: Probability and Statistics with Caitlin Hult


  • MGT 235: Statistical Methods with Alice Brawley Newlin and Marta Maras
  • MGT 361: Marketing Management with Duane Bernard
  • MGT 365: Topics in HR Management with Patturaja Selvaraj
  • MGT 405: Advanced Topics in BOM with Marta Maras


  • PHIL 400: Senior Seminar with Mercedes Valmisa


  • PHY 103: Elementary Physics I with Mitchell Powers
  • PHY 109: Introductory Physics I with Sheakha Aldaihan
  • PHY 420: Advanced Research Methods in Physics with Kurt Andresen


  • PSYCH 101: Introduction to Psychology with Kathy Delaney
  • PSYCH 314: Laboratory in Social Psychology with Brian Meier

Public Policy

  • CIMS/IDS/PP 219: Global Media Industries with James Udden
  • PP 251: Policy Research Design/Method with Christopher Rick
  • PP 305: Advanced Public Policy Analysis with Christopher Rick
  • PP 306: The Public and Its Problems with Dave Powell


  • SOC 204: Sociology of Mass Media and Popular Culture with Alecea Standlee
  • SOC 209: Race and Ethnicity with Cassie Hays
  • SOC 400: Sociology Seminar with Cassie Hays


  • SPAN 101: Elementary Spanish with Barbara Sommers and Jennifer Dumont
  • SPAN 102: Elementary Spanish with Barbara Sommers and Christopher Oechler
  • SPAN 301: Spanish Composition, Conversation, and Culture: Topics with Aaron Lacayo
  • SPAN 355: Hispanic Theater with Christopher Oechler

Theatre Arts

  • THA 207: Theatre Practicum: Performance with Chris Kauffman