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Librarian Resources: Outreach & Promotion Resources

What is this guide?

This guide provides information about the available promotion and outreach opportunities that exist on campus and within the library. This guide brings together helpful advice, best practices, and ways to connect with different audiences on campus. If you have further questions, suggestions for additions, or any additional feedback, please contact the Marketing Committee (

  • Betsy Bein
  • Beth Carmichael
  • Eyoel Delessa
  • Mary Elmquist
  • Hannah Krauss
  • Tommy Oaks
  • Klara Ramnath

On Campus Promotion

Ricoh (Print Shop & Post Office)

The print shop is located in West Building, behind the John F. Jaeger Center for Athletics, Recreation, and Fitness. 

Contact Print Shop


Print Services Request Form

  • General Photocopying & Printing
  • Graphic Design Services (contact Kathryn Brautigam)
  • Bulk Mailings
  • Brochures, Programs & Inserts
  • Foldable self-standing table tents
  • Exams, Manuals & Classrooms Handouts
  • Business cards & Labels
  • Wide Format Posters (up to 42 inches)
  • Collating, Stapling & Folding
  • Tape & Spiral/Coil Binding (GBC)
  • Laminating & Booklet Stitching

Black & White Printing & Duplication

  • 5.5" x 8.5" up to 12" by 18"

Color Printing

  • 5.5" x 8.5" up to 13" x 19"
  • Large format up to 42" wide 

File Types

  • PDF preferred
  • JPG: original images, saved in high-resolution/low compression
  • Microsoft Office files (Word, Publisher, etc.)

Paper Stock

  • 20# - #100
    • 20#- basic weight paper- same as office printers
    • 80#- mid-weight cardstock, ex: GAD handout
    • 100#- heaviest weight stock available

Digest Posts

  • AM Digest: post in advance through CNAV
  • PM Digest: must post the day of through CNAV
  • Employee digest options:
    • Administrator Digest
    • Faculty Digest
    • Support Staff Digest

The Gettysburgian

Bright Signs

Bright Sign Details

  • PNG or JPG
  • No standard dimensions
    • Requires a portrait and landscape option
  • Email the completed content along with display dates to

Digest Posts

  • AM Digest: post in advance through CNAV
  • PM Digest: must post day of through CNAV
  • Student digest options:
    • All student digest
    • First year digest
    • Sophomore digest
    • Junior digest
    • Senior digest

The Gettysburgian

Napkin Holders

  • 6.5" x 4.25"
  • Send designs to Print Shop and add "Deliver to Dining Services Box 0440" in notes section

Student Landing Page

Toilet Paper Times

Video Advertisements (Dining Lobby)

  • All videos must be in MPEG file format, under 2MB file size
  • Minimum dimensions: width - 1024 pixels ; height 652 pixels
  • Videos must be under 15 seconds
  • HD videos accepted

"What's Going On?!?!" Email Newsletter

engageGettysburg Library Page (login required)

engageGettysburg Overview

Scheduling & Customizing Events

  • New events are created on the 25Live Gettysburg platform and published to engageGettysburg
    • 25Live training materials
    • Contact: John Rudy
    • Once the event has been added to engageGettysburg, the event owners will be able to customize the event page(add images, event descriptions, and registration information)

Promoting Events & Stories through Campus Outlets

Campus Communications and Marketing welcome story ideas to promote across the college's various platforms, including our print publications, website, social media, etc. You can pitch story ideas through the "Story Pitch" form on their website (linked below). Please include as much information on the form as you have, including if you intended the story to be published to specific platforms (such as social media). The C&M department meets weekly to review these requests, and schedules stories at least a month in advance

Outreach In & Around the Library

Monthly Message

  • Contact: Donna Skekel
  • Send: Title/heading; copy (>150 words); images, if desired

Library Spotlight

  • Contact:
  • Image size: 800 x 800 pixels preferred, or square size at least 400 pixels wide
  • PNG or JPG
  • Images must not contain any overlay (edited) text (native text in a photo is okay)
  • Include 2-3 sentence description, with appropriate hyperlink

Library Digital Signs

Diversity & Inclusion Town Crier

Acrylic Signs in the Library

Available sizes, types, and quantities of acrylic holders in the library:

  • 11" x 8.5" horizontal (14)
  • 8.5" x 11" vertical (14)
  • 7" x 5" horizontal (13)
  • 5" x 7" vertical (41)
  • 4" x 6" (3)
  • 3" x 10" nameplates (3)
  • 4" x 11" (3)
  • 7" x 11" (1)
  • 8.5" x 11" leaflet holder (5)

Acrylic holders are located at the Check Out Desk on the main level

Friends of Musselman Library Newsletter

Library Bulletin Boards

Lower Level: 

  • Four-sided signage kiosk
  • Bulletin board across from restrooms
  • Staff bulletin board (LIB 019)

Main Level:

  • Four-sided signage kiosk
  • The library bulletin board in admin hallway, across from Research & Instruction

Poster Stands

Poster stand sizes:

  • 22" x 28" 
  • 11" x 17" 


Library Social Media Accounts

  • Instagram:
    • Audience: primarily current students, alumni, and other campus organizations
    • Visual medium: photos/designs required for posting
    • Cross-posting: posts can be shared from Instagram to other platforms (Facebook & Twitter)
    • Linking: Links cannot be shared in captions of posts. The only viable link is in a page profile. We use to aggregate links in our bio. 
    • Accounts: 
  • Facebook:
    • Audience: Alumni, current students (especially through "Gettysburg College Class of XXXX" pages), library staff, and community members
    • Visual & Informational
    • Cross-posting: Content can be shared with other pages and across groups. It is useful to link to pages/accounts that you are referencing directly.
    • Linking: Facebook does not restrict links in the content
    • Accounts: 
  • Twitter:
    • Audience: Campus organizations, some faculty, and other academic libraries
    • Visual & Informational with a character limit of 280/post
    • Cross-posting: Content can be re-tweeted by others. It is helpful to mention pages/accounts that you are referencing directly. 
    • Linking: It is a best practice to shorten links for Twitter to save on character use. is also used as our profile link to aggregate the library content. 
    • Accounts:

Logins & Account Access

  • See S:\\Committees\Marketing\Social Media

Campus Social Media Policy

Community Outreach

Press Releases

Community Poster Distribution List

  • Gettysburg Public Library
  • Seminary Library
  • Adams County Historical Society
  • HACC
  • Majestic Theatre
  • Train Station/Visitor's Bureau
  • Ragged Edge
  • Gettysburg Baking Co./Waldos
  • Gallery 30
  • Union Drummer Boy
  • Mason Dixon Militaria
  • National Park Service Visitor's Center
  • Gettysburg Community Theatre
  • Lord Nelson's Gallery
  • Hanover Public Library
  • Dickinson Library
  • Carlisle Public Library

Brand Standards & Image Resources


Style Guide

Primary Colors
  • Blue: PANTONE 294 C/UC
    • Web: #043371
    • RGB:4/51/113
  • Orange: PANTONE 158 C/UC
    • Web: #CC4E00 
    • RGB: 204/78/0
Secondary Colors
  • Grey: PANTONE 404 C/UC 
    • Web: #747474
    • RGB: 116/116/116
  • Black
  • White

Additional colors for use on the College website are available from C&M.