When a user needs to access other material not found in Musselman Library, the user may want to utilize our interlibrary loan service.
Users can submit their requests from within Muscat Plus or our subject databases using the Gett It!/Request It option.
Requesting ILL via Muscat Plus:
2. Expand the search to Search Other Libraries. You must be signed in to your library account to view this option.
a. Click on Request from other libraries in the book or article record you would like to request. In the article record, you will click on the Request tile. You will see a green confirmation once you submit the request. Your request has now been placed. You can view the request status in your Library Account. You will receive an email once it has been filled.
b. Still not there? Continue to step 3.
3. Use the "Still didn't find what you need? Submit an interlibrary loan request." link above the search results to place a request using the blank form.
Select the correct citation type and format requested. Any physical item request should be placed under Book, and all electronic requests should be placed under Article. Be sure to fill in as much information as you have to aid ILL staff in locating your item. The comment field can also be used to pass along citation information if something is unclear.
Click Send. You should receive a green confirmation message indicating your request has been submitted. Your request has now been placed. You can view the request status in your Library Account. You will receive an email once it has been filled
Request ILL through our databases.
4. Fill in all necessary information and accept the copyright statement. Click Send. You should receive a green confirmation message indicating your request has been submitted. Your request has now been placed. You can view the request status in your Library Account. You will receive an email once it has been filled.