A Salutary Influence: Gettysburg College, 1832 - 1985, by Charles Glatfelter is the most current and comprehensive history of Gettysburg College.
Additional histories:
- Gettysburg College, by Michael J. Birkner, in collaboration with David Crumplar
- A History of Gettysburg College Campus, by Gregory Landry (unpublished)
- A History of Gettysburg College, 1832 - 1932, by Samuel G. Hefelbower
- History of the Gettysburg Theological Seminary, by Abdel R. Wentz
- The Pennsylvania College Book, 1832 - 1882, E.S. Breidenbaugh, ed.
- To Waken Fond Memory: Moments in the History of Gettysburg College, by Anna Jane Moyer
- Yonder Beautiful and Stately College Edifice: A History of Pennsylvania Hall (Old Dorm) by Charles H. Glatfelter
History Series, 1973 - 1982:
- "Engineering at Gettysburg College," by William C. Darrah
- "Gettysburg College and the Lutheran Connection," by Harold A. Dunkelberger
- "Intercollegiate Athletics at Gettysburg College, 1879 - 1975," by Robert L. Bloom
- "The Way We Were: A History of Student Life at Gettysburg College," by Anna Jane Moyer
- "Everyone Sang: A History of the Gettysburg College Choir, 1935 - 1970," by Barbara Platt
Copies of these texts are available in the ready reference section of the Reading Room.