If you've never written an annotated bibliography before, these links will explain all.
ARTstor is a nonprofit digital image library with over a million images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and social sciences.
The Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition is recommended when citing sources for this class. There is a copy at the Research Help Desk (Ref Desk Z253 .U69 2017).
For most citation questions, The Chicago Manual of Style Quick Guide (Notes-Bibliography) will provide examples and information for citing sources.
The University of Edinburgh provides a style guide for formatting non-English words, specifically those in Chinese.
For more information on citation, see our citation guide and contact Hannah (tkrauss@gettysburg.edu) or visit the Research Help Desk.
14.235: Citing Paintings, Photographs, and Sculpture
The Chicago Manual of Style has given guidance on how to cite ChatGPT and other AI when used for brainstorming purposes. You can also visit the guide on Citing Generative AI for information. Please contact Hannah (tkrauss@gettysburg.edu) or your professor with any questions.
Annotated Bibliography
For instructions on how to write an annotated bibliography, see the explanation and examples in Diana Hacker's A Writer's Reference, pp. 357-360.