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Art & Art History: ARTH 270 / ANTH 270

Find Background Information

Search online encyclopedias and other reference material to find background information on your artifact/artist/topic. Pay particular attention to the bibliographies or suggested further readings for identifying additional sources.

Find Journal Articles

Use the databases below to find citations to journal articles, book chapters and more related to your research questions. Use the bibliographies at the end of each article to identify additional sources.

Finding Books

Library Catalog

Interlibrary Loan

Occasionally, we may not have access to a book/book chapter or article you need. We will get a copy for you. Articles usually arrive in 24 hours. Books may take 4-7 days. Log into your MUSCAT Plus account to request materials.

Cite Your Sources

The Chicago Manual of Style 18th edition is recommended when citing sources for this class.

NOTE: The print copy at the Research Help Desk is currently the 17th edition (Ref Desk Z253 .U69 2017). The print 18th edition will arrive mid-September. In the meantime, use the online manual, which has been updated to the 18th edition.

Make sure you are using the Notes and Bibliography format.


For more information on citation, see our citation guide.

Annotated Bibliography

For instructions on how to write an annotated bibliography, see the explanation and examples in Diana Hacker's A Writer's Reference, pp. 357-360.