Citation and proper attribution of sources rest at the core of academic research. Musselman Library provides a Citation Guide to the major citation styles with links to helpful resources online.
For more information on citation, see our citation guide.
To see have more request options and to see all results, sign in with Muscat Plus before searching.
If the library doesn't have an item you want, you can request to borrow a copy from another library via our interlibrary loan service.
Articles (PDF) usually arrive within 24 hours. Books may take 4-7 days. A book chapter (PDF) may arrive in 1-2 days.
For articles, use the Gett It button in databases to see if we have access. If not, you will see an option to sign into Muscat Plus and submit your request.
For books and book chapters, search Muscat Plus. If you don't see what you want, click "search other libraries" and then submit your request with the "request from other libraries" link on the results page. Or, you can use the interlibrary loan form at the top of Muscat Plus.
For both library catalogs and article databases, start with your keywords: such as:
"conspiracy theory" AND philosophy
"Secret societies" AND conspiracy
Library catalogs will also list subjects/tags on each record that will make it easy to find other items on that same subject.
Conspiracy theories - United States - History
Databases will have similar tags/subjects. If you click the tag, it'll show you everything in the database that shares that tag.
Watch our short (4 minute) video. It will provide more strategies and example.