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First Year Seminars: FYS 130-1 Women's Health and Sexuality


How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography (Cornell University)


Assessing Resources

Questions to use to analyze a resource (reliability, context, relevance)

  • Who's voice is included? Who is being excluded?
  • Who is the author? What is their authority? What experience do they bring?
  • Who is the audience? Students? A general audience? Scholars?
  • Where are they getting their information from? What are their sources?
  • What is the bias of the author? What is the bias of the platform? Who are the stakeholders?
  • When was this published?
  • Is this useful in my research?

Finding Resources

Getting started: General databases

Getting specific: Subject databases

Background Research

Borrowing Materials from Another Library

text from catalog to request a digital copy of an item and have it delivered within 24 hours by email

If the library doesn't have an item you want, you can request to borrow a copy from another library via our interlibrary loan service.

Articles (PDF) usually arrive within 24 hours. Books may take 4-7 days. A book chapter (PDF) may arrive in 1-2 days.

small button with the words Gett It! For articles, use the Gett It button in databases to see if we have access. If not, you will see an option to sign into Muscat Plus and submit your request.

For books and book chapters, search Muscat Plus. If you don't see what you want, click "search other libraries" and then submit your request with the "request from other libraries" link on the results page. Or, you can use the interlibrary loan form at the top of Muscat Plus.

Short Research Videos/Tutorials