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History: HIST 418 - Bowman

Background Information

Scholarly Encyclopedias and Bibliographies

This is a small selection of reference works. For works on World War II see DD740. For the Holocaust see D804.

  • Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Epoch : an Annotated Bibliography of English-language Works on the Origins, Nature, and Structure of the Nazi State / Paul Madden
  • Atlas of Nazi Germany : a Political, Economic, and Social Anatomy of the Third Reich
  • Encyclopedia of the Third Reich / Louis L. Snyder
  • Nazi-Deutsch/Nazi German : An English Lexicon of the Language of the Third Reich
  • The Third Reich at War: A Historical Bibliography
  • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933-1945
  • Who's Who in Nazi Germany
USAHEC Bibliographies

The U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center has created extensive bibliographies available as PDFs on their website. Reference bibliographies will typically begin with general sources and increase in specificity.

Secondary Sources

Library Catalogs
Disciplinary Databases

Published Primary Source Material

Keyword and Subject Searching in Muscat Plus

  • First try a KEYWORD search which searches all words in the titles, authors, subjects, and table of contents on MUSCAT Plus records. You can enter words in any order. A broad keyword search is a great place to start.
  • Next try a SUBJECT search with the subject headings from the keyword search. Look at the bottom of a catalog record if you already have one book that looks helpful. The subjects will help you to find similar materials.
  • Finally try an AUTHOR search to find original writings of a person or documents published by a government or organization.

Subject Headings

  • Once you have done a keyword search and find a book that looks helpful, scroll to the bottom of the Muscat Plus record. You'll see subjects, or tags, for different events, time periods, people, or types of content. Using these can save you a lot of time. 
  • Either click on the subject itself to get everything else we have with that subject or use some of the terms for a new keyword search.

The following terms from subject headings can be helpful to find primary source material:









pictorial works

personal narratives



underground literature

Subject Heading Examples for Primary Sources

Keyword Searches Examples

  • "third reich OR Nazi" AND documents
  • "national socialism" AND sources
  • nazi AND propaganda AND (music OR art)

Primary Source Collections in Print

Document Collections (General)
Library of Congress Subject Heading

 Germany -- History -- 1933-1945 – Sources

*look for these headings or use a keyword search with words like “sources,” “correspondence,” “personal narratives,” etc. as outlined at the bottom of the guide.

Holocaust Document Collections
Historical Statistics

Additional Primary Source Material

Public Digital Collections
Subscription Digital Collections
Newsreels (on DVD)

Primary Sources - Nuremburg Trials

Primary Sources - Holocaust Testimonies

Here are a few important resources.