You may notice a "long s" in some of the primary sources that you are finding.
If you are wondering about the history of it, the National Archives has a blog post "Pieces of History: The Long S" that may be of interest.
Special Collections (Musselman)
Historical Society of PA (Philadelphia)
Cumberland Co. Historical Society (Harrisburg area)
PA State Archives (Harrisburg)
National Archives (DC)
Library of Congress (DC)
This guide was created for Professor Shannon's HIST 426, Pennsylvania's Indians, Fall 2024, by Meggan Smith.
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Interlibrary loan is a service that allows you to borrow materials unavailable at Musselman Library from other libraries around the world. Articles usually arrive in 24 hours. Books may take 4-7 days.
Interlibrary loan is fully integrated into library databases via the Gett It button and MUSCAT Plus, the library catalog. You are able to make and manage requests through your library account in Muscat Plus.
Watch for the "Gett It" button in databases. Clicking it will check to see if we have the item in our collection and direct you to request a copy from another library if we don't.